Posts tagged dark circles
Getting Rid of DARK CIRCLES!!

HI GANG! Today let’s get real!! We all have to deal with some sort of issue relating under eyes. It can be extremely frustrating but I will share some tips with you to help your eyes look at bright and awake! There are many eye creams and treatments out in the market but finding the right one for you can become expensive. That is why the tips I will share today will be budget friendly to treat your dark circles!!

Beauty Expert West Hollywood

TURMERIC- We are going back to the kitchen today… Turmeric is an amazing ingredient!! It has anti-inflammatory properties. Mix it with raw honey and Greek yogurt to make a facemask. Make sure to apply it as an under eye mask.

WARNING: This will stain your clothes and nails so make sure to wear an old t-shirt and disposable gloves.

WARNING: This will stain your clothes and nails so make sure to wear an old t-shirt and disposable gloves.

PILLOWS- It is important to keep blood from pooling under your eyes. This is why if you suffer from dark circles you should sleep with your head elevated. Get extra pillows and a pregnancy pillow!! This will help you to sleep on your side.

ANTIHISTAMINE- Dark circles may become worst with allergies and when you live in California it is not pretty!! This is why I suggest my clients start to take an antihistamine every day during allergy season.


Visit your local market to get it over-the-counter.

Visit your local market to get it over-the-counter.

MORE FOODS- The first tip was to use turmeric and for my last tip I will be going back to the kitchen again!! Other foods you can use under your eyes to help lighten and soften your eye skin are cucumbers and raw potato. First, you need to grate them then soak cotton round in the juice then you can apply it under your eyes for 15 minutes. Oils can also be used such as almond and coconut oil!

You do not always need to spend a fortune on skincare but what matters most is skincare is CONSISTENCY!! No matter what you decide to do remember to be frequent and stick to your regimen everyday in order to start seeing changes in your skin. Also, remember to get your rest and sleep. Our body and skin need sleep so it doesn't hurt to stay a night in and catch up on some Netflix favorites and sleep!!

If you try any of these tips make sure to let me know!! I love to hear what works for your guys and learn new tips and tricks!!

Remember… Keep it beautiful!!



Got more questions! Don't forget to subscribe and follow me on social media! @GreggersLA on Twitter and IG! 

* Gregory Dylan is a 20 year beauty industry veteran, licensed esthetician and facial expert. For more information or to schedule a facial treatment at his skin care clinic in Los Angeles, please e-mail: *