Posts tagged vitamins
Vitamin C Benefits

Hi gang! Today we will be talking about one vitamin we hear about a lot... VITAMIN C. Vitamins are very important for your health especially vitamin C!! Not only does it help your overall health but also it works wonders for your skin, which is why so many brands are promoting vitamin C serums, facial masks, face peels and lotions.

Beauty Treatments In Los Angeles

There is a reason why vitamin C has been used for many years because of its benefits.  To start it protects from the free radicals our skin endures from the sun and pollution. This is exactly what we need, those who live in LA!! Using vitamin C with your sunscreen will protect and repair skin from the toxins you’re being exposed to. Vitamin C also helps in the production of collagen! This gives skin a plump, youthful appearance by reducing fine lines and keeping skin from sagging. It will repair scar tissue and ligaments, helping skin to repair itself. This is very beneficial for those who may have scarring on their face or body. Vitamin C helps create new cells to replace the damaged ones. It takes time to heal scars but if you are consistent and patient on applying vitamin C cream on the scar you will see it fade and have brighter skin!

Beauty Expert Los Angeles

Sooo the big question is will drinking OJ every morning help to create more elastin to thicken skin, retain moisture, and smooth skin’s surface?! Unfortunately, it does not work that way. The vitamin C we ingest won’t even make it to our skin. To have effective results look for products with ascorbic or L-ascorbic acid as the active ingredient. You will know it is an active ingredient by looking at the ingredient list and if it is listed in the first five then it is the product you want to buy!

The further down the list, the less percentage there is of this ingredient. Have you ever tried using vitamin C in your skincare? I have many clients who love vitamin C and swear by it! Try using it in your skincare routine and let me know if you see any results or if you have any tips of how to use it! I would also love to hear any vitamin C product recommendations to try myself!!

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* Gregory Dylan is a 20 year beauty industry veteran, licensed esthetician and facial expert. For more information or to visit his skin care clinic in Los Angeles, please e-mail: *