Posts in Skin Care
Vitamin C Benefits

Hi gang! Today we will be talking about one vitamin we hear about a lot... VITAMIN C. Vitamins are very important for your health especially vitamin C!! Not only does it help your overall health but also it works wonders for your skin, which is why so many brands are promoting vitamin C serums, facial masks, face peels and lotions.

Beauty Treatments In Los Angeles

There is a reason why vitamin C has been used for many years because of its benefits.  To start it protects from the free radicals our skin endures from the sun and pollution. This is exactly what we need, those who live in LA!! Using vitamin C with your sunscreen will protect and repair skin from the toxins you’re being exposed to. Vitamin C also helps in the production of collagen! This gives skin a plump, youthful appearance by reducing fine lines and keeping skin from sagging. It will repair scar tissue and ligaments, helping skin to repair itself. This is very beneficial for those who may have scarring on their face or body. Vitamin C helps create new cells to replace the damaged ones. It takes time to heal scars but if you are consistent and patient on applying vitamin C cream on the scar you will see it fade and have brighter skin!

Beauty Expert Los Angeles

Sooo the big question is will drinking OJ every morning help to create more elastin to thicken skin, retain moisture, and smooth skin’s surface?! Unfortunately, it does not work that way. The vitamin C we ingest won’t even make it to our skin. To have effective results look for products with ascorbic or L-ascorbic acid as the active ingredient. You will know it is an active ingredient by looking at the ingredient list and if it is listed in the first five then it is the product you want to buy!

The further down the list, the less percentage there is of this ingredient. Have you ever tried using vitamin C in your skincare? I have many clients who love vitamin C and swear by it! Try using it in your skincare routine and let me know if you see any results or if you have any tips of how to use it! I would also love to hear any vitamin C product recommendations to try myself!!

Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe. Lots of HUGS to you all and keep it beautiful!



* Gregory Dylan is a 20 year beauty industry veteran, licensed esthetician and facial expert. For more information or to visit his skin care clinic in Los Angeles, please e-mail: *

What is Chlorophyll?!

Hello my beauty fans... Have you ever seen anyone drinking green water or seen on Pressed Juicery’s menu “chlorophyll h2o ”? It may have been a long time since you have heard the word chlorophyll. Many of us learned about it in elementary school, it is the pigment that makes plants green. This helps them convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is comparable to hemoglobin, the red blood cells that get oxygen to your blood. This means our body will benefit from chlorophyll since it knows exactly what to do with it!

Facial West Hollywood

Chlorophyll is a super food! It’s packed with magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin C, antioxidants, and beta-carotene. It will cleanse your blood, carry oxygen, and fights anemia. It is great for digestion and a healthy detox. Chlorophyll will flush out toxins and promotes healthy blood flow. Here is one many will love and who suffer from breakouts… Chlorophyll can help stop breakouts or make them clear up faster! Chlorophyll acts as a germ killer meaning it will fight blemishes inside and out. Lastly, it can protect your skin from the sun by absorbing sunlight and protecting from harmful UV rays!


I have had many people seen me drink this green water and the first thing they ask is, “Does it taste bad?” In my opinion it’s flavorless and I love to add it into my water bottle every morning before heading out! You can find chlorophyll drops at a health food store. Add a few drops into your water and you will give your water an EXTRA BEAUTY BOOST!! Let me know if you try it and is you see any difference in your skin!

Remember… Keep it beautiful!!



Got more questions! Don't forget to subscribe and follow me on social media! @GreggersLA on Twitter and IG! 

Will cutting dairy cause your breakouts to stop?!

It is important to cleanse your face and use the right skincare but it is only half of what it takes to achieve a clear, glowing complexion. You can give your skin the best treatment but sometimes not see results and this can be very frustrating! This is why what put into your body is just as important as what you put onto your face! May diary be the reason why your skin does not seem to clear up?

Facial Los Angeles

After reading an article about Khloe Kardashian cutting out dairy and how it contributed to her 11-pound weight loss in just six weeks I decided it was time to inform you guys a little on what dairy can do to your skin. It can cause your skin to create excess oil (sebum), which clogs pores, and it can cause dead skin cells to bind to one another, leading to more acne. Dairy contains growth hormones and cause inflammation! Once again this can lead to acne!

Professional Skincare Studio Los Angeles

We all love ice cream during the warm weather and who doesn’t want to get froyo on a warm summer night?! Everyone enjoys some cheese too and if you’re like me you love to ask for some extra cheese (you know you’re guilty too)! How about this summer we all try limiting our diary intake to two servings a day or try replacing dairy with some alternatives! Ben and Jerry’s offers non-dairy flavors so whenever you have a sweet tooth craving why not try their Chunky Monkey flavor!! If cutting down dairy works for you let me know you can even take before and afters to see what difference it will make on your skin!

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Lots of HUGS to you all and keep it beautiful! XOXOXO

Let your skin breathe!!

Summer is closer than ever which means beach days, pool parties, lounging with friends is right around the corner!! It is time to get ready and be your best beautiful self this summer. It is important to remember your skin needs to breathe especially during the summer heat. That is why I always recommend to not use anything too heavy or creamy for summer. Instead take advantage of this time to help any congestion you may have with a deep-cleansing mud mask. Incorporating this to your skincare regimen twice a week will allow to help draw out impurities and detoxify the skin. One of my personal favorites and budget friendly is Freeman Feeling Beautiful Clay Mask, Avocado & Oatmeal.

This clay mask is a must-have since it is gentle but effective. It will act as a vacuum and soak up all the traces of dirt and grease! Make sure to follow up with a gentle moisturizer at night or sunblock during the day!!

Remember… Keep it beautiful!!



Got more questions! Don't forget to subscribe and follow me on social media! @GreggersLA on Twitter and IG! 

NEW Video!! How to Layer your Skin Care!!

So, one of the questions that I get asked most often is: "What order do I put my products on?" And it's a really good question! With all of our toners and serums and spot treatments, it's important to make sure that they go on in the right order so they perform properly. In this week's video, I break down how and why to layer your skin care and help you learn an easy way to remember what order to do it in!

Not too difficult, right?! Hope this helps you all out so that you get the best results from your treatment products and lets you apply them with confidence and ease! Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe, and keep up the great suggestions :) Keep it beautiful!!



My Current Skincare Wish List!

Now, you all know that I just LOVE trying new skin products!! Naturally, I use a lot of my professional treatment products form my studio, but I always like to see what's new in the marketplace so I can recommend these fab skin treats to all of you!

Here are a few products that caught my eye on a recent Sephora trip! I even put them on my Pinterest to keep track, so check that out as I update with my new "wants"!

skin - care - wish - list - Gregory - Dylan

Peter Thomas Roth Neuroliquid and Brightening Bubble Mask:  The Peptide rich Neuroliquid ($120) formula also boasts a healthy amount of skin-loving amino acids as well as hyaluronic acid. That means lots of plump, healthy skin to minimize the appearance of fine lines. Line smoothing without a needle?! Sign me up! The Brightening Bubble Mask ($55) supports oxygenation of the skin and has some really wonderful brightening extracts! These ingredients are fab for vitality and also work wonders for congestions. (And let's be honest, who does;t love bubbles!?!)

Estee Lauder Resilience Lift Restorative Radiance Oil ($70) is packed with nutrient rich phyto-lipids for undeniable glow and helps maintain and protect the skin's moisture barrier. I just love a skin oil and this one looks delicious!!

Dr. Brandt Glow Revitalizing Retinol Eye Cream ($55) I've talked a lot about Retinol lately and how effective it is in line smoothing. This potent formula is an Allure Best of Beauty winner and does the job gently as it refines the appearance of lines and helps bind moisture to the skin. And a great price! 

Siiiiiigh, I wish I had an unlimited budget to splurge on all of these!! These formulas look amazing!! Until then, let me know if you have tried any and I will keep you updated on when I finally get my hands on them!




Beauty Sleep goes next level!

I came across this Marie Claire UK article on a new trend and had to share!! It talks about a selection of pillows designed to prevent lines and aging with special "ingredient infused" fabrics to treat skin, silks to reduce creasing and shapes to increase radiant inducing glow!

Best Facial Treatment Los Angeles

I thought it was interesting as I have carried "the Pillowcase" by Circadia (click over to "shop" to check it out!) since I opened the studio! This particular case is a special microfiber that prevents creasing and moisture depletion. I  really liked this one as it does not over promise and the premiss made sense. (Many materials wick moisture from the skin and regular pillow cases to cause skin creasing which may lead to lines.) And it is super soft and comfy!

Are you going to go next level with your beauty sleep and try and new pillow case?!? I'd give the others a try at some point. But for now, keep it simple with a silk or satin and use fabulous nighttime skincare!!



My First Beauty Haul Video!!!

Oh wow, now this was fun!!! My first drugstore beauty haul video on my YouTube channel! I found some super fab and fun finds in skincare and makeup at CVS and Target. I give you the scoop on why I decide to try them and what I'm hoping for in regards to results. Then I wrap it up with a mini-review at the end of the video so I can give you the scoop on whether or not the products  were "fab" or "flop".

Do you have any fave drugstore finds?! I really did like a few of these, have to watch and see!!



CBS Los Angeles features Gregory Dylan Beauty on "Best Of Beauty and Skin Care"!

On a "Best of LA" list with Industry icons like Kate Somerville, Arcona, Murad and More?!?! 
Woohoo!!!! Looks like this little Jersey boy is doing something right! Such an honor :)

A BIG thanks to all of my friends, family and of course my fabulous clients for the continued support!! 

Such a proud moment!! And with that said, I hope I see you all soon for a fabulous facial treatment!

